miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

The first chapter

Due to all the different things (or lack of them, actively) that are going through my life right now, it seemed like a good moment to start a blog.
How cliche of me.

I currently live in Lima, but I just got accepted to some universities I applied to in the UK. This means I am supposed to me moving there around september. I haven't make my mind yet. Meaning that I am still trying to decide between to different unis, but I'm guessing I will decide next week. Hopefully. 

Last week I returned from a 2 week trip to NYC. Amazing. My two best friends are living there at the moment. Rather than being a typical turist trip around New York, we mainly chilled, walked a lot, and just enjoyed New York. Like a New Yorker? I am not sure about that, but I like to think so. 

I am reading "How music works" by David Byrne. What an inspiring book. I am not sure how to explain what it talks about, and I am everything but a book critic, so i won't even try to go there. But I agree with one book critic who said something like "this book should be called 'How art works' or 'How everything works'". I agree. agree. agree. Byrne mixes, in a way I can't even explain, biographical info, with technical as well as historical information. Im around page 150 at the moment and i've already learned so much that I haven't stop recommending this books to all my friends. Even those who are not that into music. I guess that's what friends are for. 

Guess this is it for a first chapter. Guess this blog would mix present/past experiences. I have no idea to be honest. Lets just see how this works.

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